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Rural community peoples are facing the Health problem all over in the country. Most Vulnerable community peoples are suffering from many kinds of health daises. In the health issues Voluntary Association for Rural Development of Bangladesh take an action to reduce health problem by curative & Prevention way.

VARD of Bangladesh work for Health Prevention Issues to reduce the health problem & health disease of the community peoples. In this view VARD of Bangladesh Organize health education on HIV / AIDS, PHC training, workshop, seminar with community mothers, Girls as well as community leaders. The total number of 260 participants such as like Pre – school children mothers, high school going students and pre school students has received health education session on PHC and HIV / AIDS in this year. The community high school going students are aware about HIV / AIDS through the awareness session. The community mothers are aware on life threatening disease to safe their children life.

Preventative Health Education: Health is a one of the most important issues for the most vulnerable community. VARD of Bangladesh emphasise the community health problem by provided both curative and preventative health services to the poor community peoples.  But emphasise was given on curatives services rather then the preventatives services on health issues. VARD of Bangladesh authority ensure the services by the help of community Volunteers. This is the achievement of health Program:

  • Organized 14 health session on Water & sanitation for 114 community Mothers
  • Arrange 6 Seminar on Primary Health care for 120 community mothers
  • Organized 14 Primary Health education Session for 100 community mothers on Child Nutrition and EPI
  • Organized 2 community health meeting for 277 community poor people on Tube – well & Slab Latrine Maintenance process.

Curatives: VARD of Bangladesh Provide curatives services in Wari Robi Das Para field by the support of Coptic Church in Egypt. The Coptic church Medical team will provide medicine and doctors facilities in last year. VARD of Bangladesh Interested to provide preventatives support for the community. Awareness in the important to prevent Desis.


WATER & SANITATION PROGRAM: Water and Sanitation program is a one of the most important for the Gouria poor community peoples. The community peoples can’t have easily access to taping safe waters for use their life due to unavailable of Tube – well in Gouria area. Other hand the community peoples can’t use the safe sanitation system. The community peoples use the unhygienic latrine due to their poverty. As a result, community peoples are suffering many kinds of water bone Dieses. In this view VARD of Bangladesh try to over come these problems:


Tube – Well Installations: More then 50 family where are 217 family members can’t easy access to safe waters. VARD of Bangladesh Install 9 Tube – well for 45 family and 1 Tube – well for community level School & madrasah where are more then 60 community poor children benefited to use the safe water by the support of Malaysia Medical student team. 277 community peoples easily use safe water and safe their life from water bone dieses.


Slab latrine Installations: VARD of Bangladesh provide 4 slab latrines in 4 poor family in gouria community, where are 23 family members are benefited by the support of Malaysia Medical student team.